Monday, March 7, 2011

Did Jesus Speak in Tongues?

This subject has recently crossed my mind. Since Jesus exercised all the other gifts of the Holy Spirit, does it state in the Scripture where He ever spoke in tongues?

I have done a search on the internet and there are interesting and logical explanations by many people who believe He did. Those answers have not quite convinced me of the Scriptural proof. One man had some really great ideas and scripture references for his answers. He stated that in Mark 15:34 where Jesus said "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani" he was speaking in tongues since others present thought he called out for Elijah but Mark interpreted it for us as "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" That was a good example, I thought. Then I thought, "Isn't that Hebrew?" No, it wasn't Hebrew but it was Aramaic. Bible scholars tend to agree that Jesus' primary language was Aramaic. The people standing near him obviously didn't know the language He spoke in. They thought He was calling on Elijah.

Jesus had to have also spoken some Koine Greek and Rabbinic Hebrew, and interestingly enough, He and his disciples spoke a Gallilean dialect that was clearly distinguishable from the dialect spoken in Jerusalem (which, I understand, was Jewish Palestinian Aramaic).

This is what I posted on another comment section on the same subject "Did Jesus speak in tongues?":

We all are going to believe what we want to believe until the Lord shows us something different. I did a little searching since I have recently had this question myself.

I believe that Jesus did and could speak in tongues but it was not specifically recorded in the Scriptures. Here are a few reasons I believe this way:

1. He is God.

2. When he was baptized by John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit landed on Him like as a dove (thus, to me, represents the baptism of the Holy Spirit in His flesh).

3. I believe He came in the flesh to partially experience what it is like to be human and to experience what every person (collectively) experiences in their lifetimes (trials, tribulation, temptation, sorrow, grief, joy, agony, pain, etc.); including the baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues.

4. He exercised and manifested the other gifts of the Holy Spirit so what makes us doubt that He didn't manifest speaking in tongues also. He walked on water, raised the dead, translated from one place to another...He was all God and all man.

5. Part of His being, if you would want to call it that; the Heavenly Father part, parted the Red Sea, created the world, created you and me!

Those are just a few reasons I believe He DID speak in tongues. What do you think?

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