Friday, March 25, 2011

Can Authority In Christ Be Attacked?

I would say, "yes".

Recently I was praying, with the authority given me by my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; a few weeks later, I was publicly rebuked for praying that way. I was accused of being "demanding" of the Lord. I must say, I have researched, in fact; on and off for years, the methods used by Jesus, the disciples, healing evangelists, and the mighty men of God instrumental in revivals. I have also been in prayer about the way the Lord would have me pray especially for healing.

I have even done research on the difference between "demanding" and "commanding" in case I was doing something wrong (which I KNEW I wasn't and researched anyway) since the rebuke; which was a few days ago. Years ago and even today, I like to research things to be SURE that I am not saying or doing anything unbiblical. One reason is to ward off any attacks and have proof to show that I am not in error. For years, I have had a fear of being swayed by every wind of doctrine and believing a lie. I surely do not want to hurt my God.

A dictionary definition of "Demand" is: Request urgently and forcefully. To claim as just or due. To require as useful, just, proper, or necessary; call for. To claim formally; lay legal claim to. Claim as a right.

A dictionary definition of "Command" is: To direct with authority; give orders to. To have control or authority over. To exercise authority over. An order given with authority.

So, demanding something of the Lord is WRONG!! Trying to force something and claiming to have a right to do so.

Commanding in the name of Jesus Christ is RIGHT!! Especially if you know your authority in HIS name and realize HE is the one to answer to, to rely on for taking care of the results.

Let me know what you think about this.

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