Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Be Still

Many people can relate to trying to tame an anxious child expecially when you are in an atmosphere where the child needs to be still and quiet. A movie theater, some churches, during a play, or some other activity that requires stillness and quiet to benefit the fullness of that program or event. If the child has not been taught to sit still and remain quiet there could be some problems. Some of the other people at the event may sneer at you or wiggle uncomfortably in their seats if you don't remove the child until he/she calms down. Even your "Shhh"s can disrupt other's concentration. The same may be for adults, can't sit still, can't focus on the program or can't be quiet so others can hear the program (I have come across those cases and find it rather rude when adults do it).

With the busy-ness of our days and the seemingly constant push to get things done, we have a difficult time sitting down and enjoying a relaxing activity. You may sit down and then start thinking of the things you should be doing. Take out the trash, sweep the floor, mow the lawn, trim the hedges, wash dishes, take the pet for a walk, rake leaves, wash clothes, vacuum, the list goes on.

How many of you have ever heard the verse "Be still and know that I am God'? (Psalm 46:10) Have you ever wondered how that can be possible? If you don't have a devotional time set aside every day and don't have a worship and praise or prayer time set aside, it may be very difficult to train yourself to try to "Be still". Many people have experienced a wandering mind when they have tried, me included. It takes a certain amount of training and relaxing not only of our bodies but our minds also. My mind would wander to things I should, ought to, or need to be doing. Sometimes our mind wanders to a difficulty that is happening to someone else or even to us. Once I gained control of that mind-set, I began to focus on God and put Him first in my thought life. He should come first anyway, it takes time to 'practice His presence'. What I mean by 'practice His presence' is to make Him the ONLY focus at that time. To ONLY speak to Him, to ONLY worship Him, to ONLY dwell on Him, to ONLY think about Him. Sometimes it takes getting on my knees to have a more focused attitude toward Him or even on my face on the floor.

Spiritual serenity ought to be cultivated in spite of the difficulties we face in life. This spiritual calm, that God commands, does not come from a lack of troubles; it derives from a steady, deep reflection on God's ways, His faithfulness, His mercy, His grace, the extreme wonder of who He is.

He is Holy. He is Lord of lords. He is God of gods. He is King of kings. He IS. Therefore, He is WORTHY!! He is worthy of ALL our attention. He is worthy of our time. He is worthy of our affection.

I encourage you, if you haven't yet, to 'practice His presence' and spend some quality time with our Father. To "Be still and know that He is God". Even if it starts out as lasting a minute or two; as you practice, you will become better at it and will start to do it for a longer period of time. Try it, it is AWESOME!